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Sleep tea is a soothing, caffeine-free herbal tea blend that is specifically formulated to promote relaxation, calmness, and restful sleep. It contains a variety of natural ingredients that are known for their sedative and calming properties.

Chamomile is a gentle herb that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and sleep. Lemon Balm is a powerful herb that has been shown to help reduce anxiety and promote deep sleep and its a natural sedative that can help to calm the mind and reduce stress. Lavender is a fragrant herb that is known for its calming and soothing properties.

The combination of these herbs in Sleep tea creates a delicious and effective blend that can help to relax the body and mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote restful sleep. It is a perfect choice for those who struggle with insomnia, or who simply want to improve the quality of their sleep. Drinking Sleep tea before bed is a wonderful way to wind down after a long day and prepare your body for a peaceful night's rest.

Organic Morning Glory

Organic Tulsi

Organic Gotu Kola

Holy Basil

Organic Chamomile

Organic Cardamom

Organic Ashwagandha Root

Organic Lemon Balm


Organic Peppermint

Blackberry Leaves



Organic Orange




Directions. Add 1 Tbsp of Tea to 8 oz of water . Strain out the Tea and Add Sweetener!

Sleep Tea 💤

Excluding Sales Tax
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